Our Email address incorporates the name Djukin as does this webpage address. Here is X1016 Djukin at Midland Workshops on
1 December 1979. X1016 was third X to be withdrawn in the once 48 strong fleet.

N1872+N1877 stand at Mundijong with an empty bauxite train for Jarrahdale on 16 July 1982. 1872 now is on standard gauge and
belongs to Austrac in N.S.W., 1877 was cut up and the Jarrahdale branch has closed.

Although not one of my sharpest photos, I have included it as the train is of interest. The second vehicle is an old ZA brakevan
with two passenger compartments, the third and fourth vehicles are two old V class steam loco tenders and the three vehicles
were utilised for the W.A.G.R. weedkilling train. The train is seen outside Midland Workshops on 30 July 1982.

RA1911 with Y1114 dead attached leave Kwinana Yard for Foresstfield via Fremantle and Perth (before the line through Kenwick
was converted to dual gauge).Photo taken on 16 January 1980.