Below are some selected photo's taken in 2001 in Perth and in Geraldton.

D1562 on the Mineral Sands train going through Midland from Chandela to Kwinana on the 24 of December 2001.

NR52&NR30 on the Indian Pacific passing through Midland on the 24 of December 2001.

P2003&DA1576 running around at the Geraldton port as it had just finished unloading the Grain train. The photo was taken
on the 15 of September 2001.

P2015&P2013 at Carnamah loading a Grain train on the 23 of December 2001.

P2015 on the mineral sands arriving into Narngulu on the 1st of December 2001. P2015 has now had it's westrail name painted