The main traffic sources are Grain, Mineral Sands, Talc, & Coal.

On 31 March 2003 DA1575&P2013 haul an empty grain
train through the Batavia Coast Marina towards Geraldton Port. In 2003 there have been a number of grain trains loaded at
the Port and the grain then railed to the Perth Metro area, rather than the normal pattern of trains running loaded into the
Port for export via ship.

ARG liveried DA1575 & P2002 run round a grain
train at Geraldton Port on 25 March 2003.

P2015 arrives at the Walkaway crossing loop with a Narngulu
bound coal train, whilst P2003/P2013 wait with an empty grain train for Arrino on 20 July 2002.

P2012/P2007 haul 51 loaded grain wagons just north of Bowgada
(south of Morawa) on 21 July 2002.

AA1517+P2004 work hard up the grade near Bringo with an empty grain train heading for Mullewa on 27 July 1997. The AA now
resides in Chile.

P2008 was the first narrow gauge unit to carry the new yellow colour scheme, luckily for us in Geraldton it was worked straight
up from Perth to be displayed at the RGC (now Iluka Resources) open day at Narngulu. Seen here at the open day on 21 September

RA1916 shunts the Carnamah fuel sidings on 3 December 1988. The loco, the sidings and the fuel traffic have all gone. Carnamah
has a single loop on the north side of town at its CBH grain facility.

DA1575 powers out of Narngulu propelling a ballast train, with plenty of exhaust smoke on 2 May 1999.