8114 bringing a train from Fremantle arriving into Forrestfield on 28 of December 1999.

P2014&P2001 on a loaded Grain Train from Miling and unloads in the Geraldton port. Photo taken near Georgina on 22 of
September 2001.

DA1574+DA1576 roars through Walkaway siding while crossing the Mineral Sands on the 20 of September 2000. Luckily the sunlight
was good for this photo. DA1574 is now in the AWR livery while DA1576 is the spare engine in Narngulu.

DA1577 and the LA ballast wagons being loaded with gravel ballast. This pile is very dusty and goes over the Great Northern
Highway.This photo was taken on the 10 of February 2001.If the LA ballast wagons have a problem they take them of the line
and leave them alongside the track.The train went on the closed section of railway between Maya and Mclevie.

P2002+P2009 on a loaded grain train north of Arrino on the 18 of November 2000.